Tuesday, April 27, 2010

2010 State Level First Aid and Nursing Competition - Johor

Well, the 2010 State-Level First Aid and Nursing Competition went on as planned and a hearty congratulations to all the victors, especially to the team JB people who have once and again proved that we are the best!

This year, we managed to have three winners in the theory category.
Yeo Lee Kee for the Nursing Cadets,
Lim Mao Fong for the Ambulance Cadets; and
Khau Yu Ning for the Nursing Adults.

Of course, a big hand has to go to Chia Li Xin who was the 1st runner-up in the Nursing Cadet Category, as well as Liew Jun Jia who was the third in the Ambulance Adult Category not to mention the rest of the winners from the other districts.

Then let's give another round of applause to those who did well overall!!
The Nursing Cadets!
The Nursing Adults!
The Ambulance Adults!!
a big hand to the gallant losers, our Ambulance Cadets!!!

May they bounce back with more zest next year and claim the Dato' Lee Kong Chian Singapore Gold Challenge Trophy as their own. The greatest achievement lies in acquiring knowledge and the greatest pleasure lies in spreading knowledge. Remember that, guys, and go for greatness.

2011 will be your year the way 2009 was ours.
And Lim, win back what I won.

Meanwhile, let's hope the best for the rest. To our AA, NA and NC, get the C.I.C. Cup back to JB for a glamorous quadruple. To the Segamat AC team, you'd better prove yourselves to be better than us.

There is a month and a half before the Nationals, so let's sit back and relex. Meanwhile, enjoy.
We'll be back next year, bigger, stronger and better!!!
And we start preparing now.

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