Sunday, April 11, 2010

There Is More To Come.

Kaltxi, frapo. Peyfa si nga si? Siltsan trr ne nga.

Oh, I'm so sorry. I did so forget that we are not on Pandora. Do forgive me for that mistake. I've been speaking Na'vi for too long and so troublesome with grammar and all that. A rough translation for the greeting would be,'Hello, everyone. How do you do? Good day to you.'

Yes indeed, welcome, to my blog that has yet to be named.

Names has always been problematic if you are the sort that emphasises perfection. Now I may not be that sort but I would surely love a name that is quirky and also easy on the eye.

Who doesn't?

Thus the name of this blog is undefined, and so I'll leave it as it is for the time being. Until something great or just decent pops up in my head.

There is no reason to be stuck in this state of shock. Fear not as a name worth remembering will arise soon. And may this blog which is currently under construction be one great one, spreading word about the activities I participate in.
Till then.

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